Tips to Make Your House Pest-Free Before Storm

It goes without saying that storms are devastating and can cause a lot of damages to your house. You need to make your home prepped for the damage and take necessary actions to ensure that. Extreme weather can have lasting effect on your home. One of such dangerous things is getting pests attack during a storm. You need to call for a pest control service whenever you notice that your home has hidden bugs.

However, here are some of the effective measures that you can take to keep your home safe from pests during storms.

Speed Up Your Pest Control Efforts Before Storm

Although, storms are unpredictable, yet it generally arrives during monsoon season. At this time, you can amp up your efforts for controlling pests around your house. You can call for pest insulation for both interior and exterior of your house. A thorough inspection will help find out whether your house has pests.

Do not Let Water Clog to Prevent Mosquito Breeding

You need to drain out water that is clogged due to heavy rain. You need to do this relentlessly to ensure that water is drained out and no mosquito breeding can take place in your house. It can be very dangerous if you let mosquitoes breed. Check clogged gutter, grill pots, flower pots and more to stop breeding.

Throw Away Stale Food to Avoid Flies

Do not keep stale food open in any area. Flies might gather in that place and small pests can also take birth. If it is too late, it can spread all over your house uncontrollably. At that time, calling a pest control will be the only option left. Moreover, keeping stale food is very unhygienic and can cause health problems as well.

Check for Water Damage Walls and Floors

You need to check for damage on the walls and floors due to water. It might happen that due to water, pest can infiltrate in your house. If you find any loophole within the structure of your home, try to get it repaired before storm or hurricane arrives.

Call Mother Nature for pest control in OKC. We can help you get rid of irritating pests in a jiffy.


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