Say a Final Goodbye to Ants Now- Take the Right Measures

Ants can be a nuisance when they invade your home, crawling over everything and anything in their path. They can be found in all shapes and sizes, making it challenging to identify the types of ants in your home. However, identifying the type of ant you are dealing with is crucial in determining the best action to eliminate them. Before calling an exterminator in your home, check out the details of dealing with such ants.

Ants Identification- The First Step to Understand

To identify the types of ants in your home, you need to look at their characteristics. Ants come in various sizes and colors; each species has unique habits and behaviors. Some common types of ants include pavement ants, carpenter ants and pharaoh ants.

  • Pavement ants are tiny and black or brown. They are typically found in pavement cracks or concrete and feed on various food sources, including sweets, grease and insects.

  • Carpenter ants are more prominent than pavement ants as described by most insect exterminators in OKC and are usually black or reddish-brown. They are known for their ability to chew through wood and often nest in damp or moist areas.

  • Pharaoh ants are tiny and yellow or light brown. You can find them in warm, humid areas and they feed on a variety of food sources, including sweets and proteins.

Termites vs. Ants- The Second Step to Implement

Termites and ants are often mistaken for each other because they have similar physical characteristics. Both insects have wings roughly the same size, but termites have straight antennae, while ants have bent antennae. Additionally, termites have thicker waists than ants.

If you suspect you have termites in your home, it's best to call a professional exterminator to assess the situation. Termites can cause significant damage to your home and it's crucial to eliminate them immediately to prevent further damage.

Borax- The Best Killer You Should Know

  • According to exterminators, one of the best ways to keep ants away is to use a homemade ant killer made with borax. Borax is a naturally occurring mineral toxic to ants, making it an effective way to eliminate them.

  • Mix borax and sugar in a bowl to make a borax ant killer.

  • Then, add enough water to form a thick paste.

  • Store the mixture in small containers and place them in areas where you have seen ants.

  • The ants that eat sugar will eat the mixture.

  • The borax will then kill the ants by damaging their digestive system.

Diatomaceous Earth- Kick Ants Out of Your Home

Using diatomaceous earth is another way to kill all the ants once and for all. Diatomaceous earth is a type of fossilized algae made up of sharp, microscopic particles that can penetrate ants' exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate and die.

To use diatomaceous earth to kill ants, you need to sprinkle a thin layer of the powder around areas where you have seen ants. Wear gloves and a mask while applying the powder because it can irritate the skin and lungs.

Essential Oils- Another Way to Repel Ants

Another way to deter ants from entering your home is to use essential oils known to repel them. Some popular essential oils used to repel ants include peppermint, cedarwood, cinnamon and clove. You can mix a few drops of these oils with water in a spray bottle and spray the solution in areas where you have seen ants.

Peanut Butter and Honey- Ants’ Breakfast & Bait

A simple way to bait ants and trap them is using a peanut butter and honey mixture. Mix equal parts of peanut butter and honey in a small bowl and place it in areas where you have seen ants. Somebody can use the sugar bait to attract the ants with the sweet scent of the honey and they will crawl into the bowl for food. Once they are inside, they will be trapped.

Poison- The Best Traps for the Pesky Organisms

Ant traps and poison can be effective in eliminating ants. Ant traps contain a sweet-smelling bait that attracts the ants. The professional exterminators say that once they enter the trap, they will be unable to escape and eventually die.

Ant poison is another effective way to eliminate ants. It contains toxic chemicals and ants will consume the poison upon approaching and take it back to their colony, where they will kill the rest of the ants.

Sealing Up Is a Wise Move

To prevent ants from entering your home in the future, it's essential to seal up any cracks or gaps in your home's exterior. Check for gaps around doors and windows and seal them with weather stripping or caulk. Also, ensure that there are no leaks in your plumbing that can attract ants.

Insect Exterminators- Call the Professionals for a Permanent Solution

If you have tried various methods to eliminate ants in your home and have not succeeded, it may be time to call a professional insect exterminator. An exterminator can assess the situation and determine the best action to eliminate the ants.

Exterminators have access to more potent chemicals unavailable to the general public. They also have the knowledge and experience needed to identify the types of ants in your home and determine the most effective way to get rid of them.

Hold the Hand of Mother Nature

If you are a resident of Oklahoma City, ants and termites are your regular visitors. In that case, if DIY ideas do not work for you, visit Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn. Our team of exterminators in OKC will come to your house and kick away all the pesky and dangerous ants from your home once and for all.


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