Recognize the Signs of Mice Presence at Home

You never should ignore warning signs of mice – they can harm and make you sick after all. It's time to call a professional mice exterminator in OKC when you believe you have mice roaming at home. However, not everyone knows how to recognize the symptoms of mouse infestation. They're small and they're normally moving only at night when you don't see a mouse necessarily. The most likely signs of mice entering your property are:

Dropping of Urine

Urine dropping is one of the most common signs of mice presence. Don't hesitate to call a professional rodent control service if you see any droppings — as long as you wait, the longer your mice will get to multiply in your home.

Unusual Noises

A loud scratching sound from your walls at night is one of the surest signs of mouse infestation. This is what the mouse is doing in search of their next food, scratching and walking around.

Chewing Signs

Mice love chewing, and they chew anything on which they can put a mark on. If your furniture, drywalls, clothes, or even old books show any signs of chewing, the most likely blame is a mouse.

Wall Holes

Once inside your house, mice will begin to look for a safe nesting place. It's a strong indicator that mice are present if you find small holes in wooden furniture, such as drawers or cabinets.

Pets Behaving Strangely

Your notice rodents before you can. If you find your pet to paw at unusual places like underneath a refrigerator, there could be pests like mice and you should not delay calling a mice exterminator service.

The Ways of Rodents

The mice traffic could be marked by a regular pattern of dirty smudges on floors and baskets. Night after night, mice tend to run down the walls and follow the same road. In time, the dirt from their feet and fur creates a distinctive pathway, which stretches or smudges. It may also be possible to find small urine patches or drops along the way.

Marks of the teeth

Mice have teeth that are constantly growing and need to chew hard, untreatable materials such as wood, plastic, cables and electric wiring. This makes mice a serious fire hazard because they can chew electric cables that can cause shorts, power failures, damage to equipment, or fire.

Foods Disappearing

An adult mouse can eat between 3 to 4 g/day, and the mouse can eat many of the food we eat: cereals, grains, seeds, nuts, fruit, meat, chocolate and candy. Mice like fatty foods like bacon, cheese, and butter. Mice, particularly visit a food source, such as a garage or a cupboard, for up to 30 days. Odd packs of holes or tears are indications that mice can raid your cupboard. If you think you share food with mice, discard it — food contaminated by mice, can lead to dangerous diseases in humans for example salmonella, hantavirus and fever.

Once these signs are prominent at your home, one or more – you must call a rodent control service. It would be better to look for a professional pest control service. Not only mice, a good service provider can serve you with mosquito and termite control and any other pest infestation at home. Call us at Mother Nature Pest and Lawn for a 360 degree pest control at home.


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