Pest Control or Extermination - Which Is a Long-Term Solution?

When you notice mice or harmful insects inside your house, the first thing that will appear in your mind is to kill those filthy creatures. It would be an astonishing matter if someone vanished all the pests like a flutist whom all the rats of an old city followed. But this would not happen because nor is pied piper real and neither is this a magical world like Hogwarts.

There is only one way to terminate them, and insect exterminators have expertise in that. But you may get confused about whether being an exterminator is part of the pest control process or if the two are different from each other. We should let you know that there are some specific distinctions you should be aware of.

Indeed, the goal is to remove the pests from your house, but the process is very much different. Quick reminder: if you notice a pest infestation in your house or attic, then contact pest control services in OKC quickly.

Pest Control Experts

In most cases, pest control professionals use integrated pest management practices. They know that management and prevention are the main factors to get rid of pest infestations in the long term. First, the experts ask their clients about the situation and then, they try to assess the severity of the situation.

They also determine what is the main cause of this problem. They will give suitable suggestions to their clients on preventing pests. Pest control experts use eco-friendly materials to reduce insects and maintain a balance inside your surrounding environment. The liquid solutions that a pest control professional uses are much more harmless than ready-made products found in stores.

Insect Exterminators

An exterminator’s goal is the same as the pest control service. To kill the filthy insects. But they pay attention only to kill the pests. Identifying and fixing the root cause of the pest infestation is not their concern. These experts mainly depend upon pesticides to eliminate the problem. That means the solutions they use are more toxic than the usual ones available at the pest control guys.

Also, they use insect repellent in a wider area which ends up affecting the surrounding environment as well. Though they reduce the insects and pests instantly from your house it is only a temporary solution.

For Protection Without Poisons

There is a reason why a pest infestation occurs inside of your house. Professional pest control services sniff out that reason and take action accordingly. If you notice pests inside your home, don’t delay and contact us at Mother Nature's Pest & Lawn in OKC.


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