Keep Rodents Away From Your House with These Few Tips

Rodents are of different species. They are dangerous animals. They can be found outside and inside of your house. Rodents always look for shelter, nesting, food and water. Once they are able to find them, they will keep their feet firm there until a new season begins. It's no wonder that rodents can easily be found in your house. Squirrels, mice and rats are one of the few common species. Rodent control is important. It will keep your house safe from unnecessary damages and many health risks.

Rats are quite bigger in length compared to mice. Both rats and mice can eat almost anything. They can chew through wires, pipes, clothes, furniture and walls. Mice in particular like cheese, rice and other foods. Rats on the other hand will run through your garbage and make your house stinky. They pose many health risks too. If you are in OKC and have rodents in your house, you can call a rodent control service. You can try DIY methods too.

Why Are Rodents Found in Your House?

Rodents always look for basic needs - nest, food and shelter. If your house gives them easy access to such facilities, why would they deny it? If you have yards where shrubs are too close to your house, rodents will possibly look for an entrance. Mice and rats will look for tiny holes around your house. If they find one such whole, they will turn it into a little big and create a way to enter your house. You can hire a mice exterminator if you observe their presence. They will make sure your house is mice free.

How Can You Get Rid of Rodents?

  • Do not plant shrubs too close to your house. Clean your garage and make the store rooms clutter free. Use plastic containers to store your food to make sure mice and rats are unable to taste it.

  • Seal the entry points. Check your walls and foundation carefully. If there is any crack, make sure you seal it in as soon as possible. Seal the spaces around wires and make sure vents and drains are covered.

  • Removing food sources can help you. Make sure you use lids to cover cans, wash your dirty dishes daily, keep your pet food away in a secure place and make sure you use metal containers to store pet foods and do not feed wild animals inside your house.

Mice exterminators can help you get rid of mice and make your house safe. Moreover, hiring a professional rodent control service is a good idea rather than following DIY methods.

Mother Nature's Pest & Lawn service is always there for you. From lawn care to pest control, our experts are good at everything. Call us now to book our service.


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