Handling Bed Bug Infestation the Right Way

There may be some surprises. Though, it's not one of them to figure out that the business has bed bugs.

The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) report reveals that a number of businesses and health care facilities are dealing with bed bug issues and need to call bed bug exterminator often. In fact, the most important situations at which pest control practitioners consider these disagreeable insects are:

  • Hotels (68%)

  • Homes for caring (59%)

  • Schools and night hospitals (47%)

  • Office buildings (46%)

  • Campus bed (45%)

  • Hospitals (35%)

  • Travel by Public Transit (19%).

The story can be much worse if you are a homeowner. It is a record 89% for condominiums.

Although bed bugs can be adapted to a wide range of environments, they sure like Oklahoma. A news channel from Tampa Bay announced in 2019 that five cities in Oklahoma ranked in the top 50 in the Nation to have excessive bed bugs. Generally, the atmosphere in which men, businesses and travelers are drawn to the state is great to the bed bug, regardless of the town or city it is in.

Return to Time

Of this blood-sucking principle men have encountered a long history. Having the scientific name C.Lectrularius, bedbugs, actually lived with bats centuries ago in the cave of Middle East — and in our ancient ancestors. Once humans started to find homes elsewhere, we were joined by bed bugs. The population is one of the major sources of food of the bed bug increased as settlements developed then converted into towns and then suburbs.

Today people may be carrying bugs in tents, maybe in briefcases, backpacks, etc., as people move into industrial buildings. So, Mother Nature has sadly equipped this wretched insect with an unparalleled opportunity to locate their food sources. Our bed bug exterminator team in Tulsa, OK can find out the sources actually.

Pest Type

Once bed bugs are able to feed, they detect the exhalation of carbon dioxide, such as the breathing out of the room, and then use their special antenna heat receptors to find the right areas to rely on blood flow. A 'flashing neon sign' for the free all-you-can-suck buffet is the National Geographic definition for bed bugs.

Bed bugs require a constant breathing stream of blood so only one can absorb three times its weight in a single food source. Just one bug will lay 200 eggs and massively expand the population to make matters worse.

Believe it or not, bed bugs tend to be favored in color, searching for black or red shelter areas while ignoring green or yellow areas. Originally, scientists believed that bed bugs loved blood, but their bodies were reddish and they tended to form into clusters, which would presumably make them prefer purple. At the other side, green and yellow will remind them of luminous regions, which appear to be avoided.

Prevention of Bed Bug in Work Places

Take note of places where bed bugs can be in your house, including breaks, holes, electrical service areas, tapestry and basket boards, etc. Please be very vigilant if you have any seats in lounges and lobbies.

Vacuum tapestry also and vacuum furniture fittings are used. If you buy second-hand furniture or move pieces between buildings, search each of them carefully for bed bugs before taking them to a home. You should stop doing so until the problem is fixed. Unless you have every reason to believe that any object that you pick up is not a pesticide, check them.

Bug Control with Mother Nature

Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn provides effective ways to kill bed bugs if your company has an infestation. We include services like:

  • Heat treatments: only one thermal regeneration solution will destroy bed bugs during their lives. The most eco-friendly and efficient solution to the fumigation of bed bug treatments is free. Our bed bug exterminator team will do that.

  • Treatments with chemicals: They are cautiously administered on ongoing infestations and we offer this bed bug remedy with 30 days of warranty along with a follow-up check.

  • Preventative options: If necessary, we provide full checks and assured retreats.

Call us for bed bug exterminator in OKC now.


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