Bugs That Bring Trouble in Your House

Control of insects can be difficult with so many kinds of bugs in your home or company that want to be mounted. It looks as though a different insect invasion takes place every season. Are you bugged with termites, silverfish, crickets, earwigs, or any other insects?

From time to time, insect invasions occur. They must be taken seriously and handled as soon as possible. Insects can cause serious harm to house and buildings and can contribute to our own homes or business unpleasant feelings. Insects, such as scorpions and spiders, can be carried about by more and more aggressive predators. It is necessary to tackle bug infestations properly and promptly in order to ensure the safety of your home, your children and your pets. Call for an insect exterminator to get rid of the issue.

Affordable Insect Exterminator

Our insect exterminator technicians will provide you with an estimate for the cost of the pest treatment before any services are rendered. Our mission at Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn is to provide you with a high-quality service that does not interrupt your account. Our fee is determined by square feet of the structure, what portion of the structure needs to be separated from the pest (external, interior and/or both), and whether the service is used in one-off circumstances or provides full-service pest control.

Common Types of Insects


Termites are year-around rodents that can cause large quantities of damage to both homes and building structures. They live in damp conditions below ground and consume wood items, which may include the drywall and foundation of your home. Termite colonies may have up to 1,000,000 members. In order to successfully erase a termite invasion, every single bedbug needs to be exterminated. If you think you have a termite issue in your house or company, call us today at or ask for a free quote for a termite inspection.


Silverfish live in moist, dark environments, such as bathrooms and cellars. You probably have found them on the floor of your toilet, sink or a bath or cupboard if your house has silverfish. Among many other food and non-food materials they feed on starches, paper, clothes, adhesive and dry cereal. They're robust in buildings and homes because almost anywhere they can find food. You can live for up to 1 year without food.


During the day in dim, moist areas and holes, the earwigs are night-living. In the United States there are more than 20 species. They will be 5 to 25 millimeters long, depending on their species. You can identify with the pincer at the abdomen. While this pincer is not toxic and used to protect itself against its own kind, often with its pincer it is able and attached to humans. They have wings and can fly some animals.

Earwigs do not group or nest together in a colony. It is rare for them to get an earwig infestation in your house when they live alone. In a house like bees or termites it will not build a big nest or hive. Earwigs prefer outside more generally than inside. They can however be drawn into dark and cold places like a bathroom or basement inside your home.

Visit Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn in OKC to get rid of these bugs from your home once and for all. Our experts know what treatment would kill each and every bug present in your house.


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